
How would the history of the Catholic Church have been if a young Spanish knight had not been wounded during the siege of Pamplona in 1517? That knight who dreamed of glory in battle and the love of noble ladies was called Íñigo López de Loyola (1471-1556) and a few years later
became the founder of one of the most numerous and controversial religious orders: the Jesuit Society of Jesus.

From the darkest centuries of the Middle Ages emerges the figure of a man surrounded by mysticism and mystery: Benedict of Norcia (480-547). Despite a mysterious life in many ways, Benedict has left an obvious legacy: many monasteries (such as that of Subiaco and the imposing Montecassino), many monks and a rule often reduced to the famous phrase “ora et labora” : Benedict of Nursia

Francis of Assisi in a new perspective, more careful in telling the most intimate and personal aspect, both historical and spiritual, of an absolute protagonist of medieval history. In only 44 years of life, Francis simply revolutionized the way of proclaiming the Gospel, giving an example still followed and admired today even by those who donot recognize themselves in the Catholic Church.

From Spain to southern France and then to Italy, Rome and Bologna: the Spaniard Domenico di Guzman (1170-1221) did not need conversions to choose his way. In fact, unlike other great saints, Dominic was born and raised in faith in Christ and that faith accompanied him throughout his life, largely spent fighting the heresies (especially that of the Cathars) of the early thirteenth century and founding the order of preachers, the Dominicans devoted to study and preaching.

Clare’s story runs parallel to that of Francis of Assisi for many years and then, when he dies, it continues for a long time in his wake. If Francis had a faithful follower and an inflexible interpreter, that was Clare. Closed for much of her life in the convent of San Damiano, this woman was able not only to found her own order of cloistered nuns but also, in the course of a life rich in wonders and miracles, convinced two popes to accept this new reality founded on absolute poverty combined with love for God.

Key Words
  • Docu-fiction
  • Documentary
  • Historical
  • Religious
Directed By
  • Alessandra Gigante, Fabio Andriola
Produced By
  • Storia in Rete
Original title
  • Una Sola Moltitudine
  • Italy
  • 2020
  • 5x52, 5x90’ min.
  • Available in 2K
  • Language: Italian
  • Subtitles: English
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